How to host a virtual event with Focus Fundraising.

Virtual Events: Ideas to Consider before you Launch

With the shift to online events, I’ve been talking to a number of clients about their plans and how to make the leap. For some intel and recommendations, I recently talked to Corey Briscoe, Managing Partner & Chief Operating Officer at ABCD & Company, to find out what he’s experiencing in virtual events and what’s needed to get great results. Here are some tips to consider.

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Focus Fundraising nonprofit development consultants in the Washington DC area can help you navigate a fundraising crisis.

Reimagining your 2020 Development Plan for Covid-19

Now that we’re more than a month into the pandemic, organizations are shifting from crisis mode to thinking through longer-term programmatic and outreach efforts. This has a direct impact on your development strategy and planning, so you should be focusing on what the next several months/year will look like.

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