Navigating year end giving campaigns with tips and advise from fundraising consultants, Focus Fundraising in Washington DC.

Navigating Year-End

You may remember that a few months ago I posted on year-end planning. Hopefully, your year-end prep is in motion and humming along. If not, don’t worry, there’s still time….but not much! Read through for tips on how to best navigate year-end.

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Focus Fundraisingin Washington DC can help nonprofits plan for end of year giving campaigns.

Got Plans?

If it’s become more challenging to connect with your major donors this year or you want to redouble your grassroots outreach, or connect to mid-level donors (or all of the above), think through your year-end plan now to make sure you get the support you need.

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Focus Fundraising consultants in the Washington DC area.

It’s. Been. A. Year.

No doubt that March will be filled with reflections on the 12 months we’ve all spent dodging and dealing with Covid. While “where were you when the pandemic hit?” will surely be this generation’s “where were you on 9/11?” question, I’ve been thinking about the more specific questions that fundraisers (and really, every industry and sector), should be asking.

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Fundraising consultants in the Washington DC area.

4 Steps to Successful Year-End Prep: Pandemic Edition

For most of us, 2020 has crept by as we deal with the latest challenges and wait for post-Covid times to start. In the coming months, fundraisers will likely feel that time is accelerating, as it always does with the December 31st clock ticking. Fortunately, there’s still time to plan (although not much!).

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Focus Fundraising nonprofit consultants in Washington DC area.

Messaging Matters: Meaningful Messaging During Times Like This

Your message matters. But how do you stay relevant when you can’t be as accessible? How do you build relationships when you can’t be out in the world? How do you capture your donors’ attention, especially if you aren’t providing emergency relief or fighting for racial justice? How do you tell a story that will compel people to give?

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Focus Fundraising nonprofit development consultants in the Washington DC area.

Staying Authentic During Covid-19

During this time of uncertainty, the most important thing to remember is to stay authentic to your nonprofit’s brand. Since COVID-19 is on everyone’s minds, it is crucial to provide your audience and supporters with pertinent articles and information, even if that means retweeting an article or directing people to a helpful site.

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