How To Connect with Donors Even When Times Are Tough

Have you ever had to share some lousy news with your donors? Maybe one of your Board members is being investigated for fraud… Or a high-level staff member got arrested… Or any number of other cringe-worthy possibilities that demand explaining¬—or at least acknowledgment.

Why Your Board Is Not Giving And How To Shift Tactics

Making a donation as a board member is important financial oversight, in part because donations by the board help to demonstrate their commitment to your mission, encourage other donors to make their own gift, and often, help assure institutional funders that those in a governance role are invested in their role and the nonprofit.

What Were the “Lessons Learned”?

As fundraisers, we spend each year shifting from one project to another to make sure we’re maximizing every opportunity for support. As you check off items on your to-do list, how often do you reflect on how you did, or what you should change for next time?

Prioritizing Your Major Donors at Year-End

As the Year-End countdown clock continues to wind down (do you hear the ticking too, or is that just me?!) fundraisers have a LOT going on. With so much to juggle, how’s your plan to engage and solicit your major donors going?

How to Inflation-Proof Your Year-End Story

As you gear up for your big end-of-year campaign launch, how are you crafting your story so it resonates in the context of 2022? This year, inflation is the elephant in the room, which is why it’s especially important that you tell a story that pops. How are you adapting your story to meet donors where they are?

How Will You Improve Your Year-End Campaign?

How’s your year-end fundraising planning coming? Remember, one third (30%) of annual giving occurs in December and 10% of all giving happens in the last three days of the year. This period from August – October should be all about planning and connecting with your donors and supporters. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you create and refine your 2022 plans…

Who’s On Board?

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about nonprofit boards of directors and, specifically, why some are effective, and others seem to be stuck in perpetual states of dysfunction. Much of what I see when I examine an organization’s volunteer leadership often comes back to a mismatch between what the nonprofit needs, what they think they need (and what they tell prospective board members they need as they recruit them), and who is actually sitting on the board.

Is a Development Committee Worth Your Time?

Development committees can be integral to your fundraising program. With the right Board members and volunteers, you can improve effectiveness while building new ties and deepening relationships. Consider these elements if you are looking to revamp or establish your developing committee.